The findings from the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES; Felitti, Anda, CDC and similar research) have clearly documented the link between increased ACEs and chronic physical and brain health issues. Unrecognized (and unresolved) ACEs continue to impact the neurobiological and epigenetic (influences on the expression of the genome) alterations that influence long-term physical and brain health.
Dr. Wiet provides lectures on the neurobiology of trauma and how to heal those pathways.
Watch this Vimeo:
Resiliency traits and skills can alter the experience of stress and adversity. In general, more resiliency is protective against adversity and, less resiliency magnifies the detrimental impact of adversity. These differences often lead to marked outcomes in clinical symptoms, health and long-term outcomes.
Dr. Wiet is actively working to validate an easy to use questionnaire designed for primary care providers and therapists alike.
This tool, Health Resiliency Stress Questionnaire (HRSQ), will soon be available as an open-access link on this website.
Toxic stress changes brain structure, neurobiology, and the epigenome that often leads to addiction. The effect of alterations in the stress pathway can lead to alterations in the reward pathway, which can eventually become the addiction pathway. Biological adaptation of these pathways can result in many forms of addiction and illnesses or imbalances of the mind and body. Integrative and evidence-based treatment modalities can promote optimal healing and recovery in pursuit of wellness.
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Our needs are different from our wants. What we need is actually pretty basic; it is often that our wants make our lives more complicated. Finding the balance of fulfilling our needs is essential for the goal of wellness. Adding in healthy wants then becomes the icing on our cake.
"Life is quite simple. It is we, humans, that make it complicated." —Chinese Proverb
Check out these nifty summary cards of care that can be a helpful for guide for anyone seeking healthy balance for themselves, clients, patients, family or neighbors.
Addiction is rampant in our nation and in the Salt Lake Community. Addiction is primarily a disorder of adolescence; meaning that with earlier onset of use (substances or behavioral influences), the greater chance for life-long struggles with addiction. Educating youth, parents and families about protective factors can dramatically reduce the onset of experimentation and progressive disease. Communication—that is genuine and validating—is at the core of prevention.
The Trauma-Resiliency Collaborative (TRC), was established in May 2014 by Susie Wiet, MD in Salt Lake City, UT. It is an ad hoc and open community-interest group comprised of multidisciplinary professionals, paraprofessionals, and survivor-advocates. The TRC’s organic growth facilitates participation and maximizes collaborations. The TRC has evolved into a model that promotes both individuals and organizations by encouraging a dynamic atmosphere of success, education, and grass-roots efforts. Learn more about what the TRC has to offer for you:
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